Health Professionals Directory

ANS provides centralised directories to register and identify all practitioners of the healthcare system.

Health Professional Directory

The Healthcare Professionals Directory centralises the ID details of healthcare professionals and their establishments from the various national databases, namely the Répertoire Partagé des Professionnels de Santé (RPPS+, French HPs shared directory), ADELI and FINESS (National Register for Health and Social Care Establishments) directories.

This central directory also includes MSSanté addresses and CPS data. The Healthcare Professionals Directory is steadily expanding to include not only healthcare professionals but the ID details of social care workers so that they too have access to digital tools such as a messaging service and the e-CPS.

This data is certified by the competent authorities (professional associations, regional health bodies, and the army medical service). It is updated daily and published on the FOLLOWING ans website.


Data available in the healthcare professionals directory

Data is classified into two categories: data accessible to all and data with restricted access. The freely accessible data will in general suffice for your requirements.  

Freely accessible data

Restricted-access data

  • Répertoire Partagé des Professionnels de Santé (RPPS+, French HPs shared directory) or Adeli ID number;
  • practitioner’s surname and first name(s);
  • qualifications;
  • profession and specialty;
  • professional address.
  • Personal details including date of birth;
  • professional track record;
  • other contact details.

The Healthcare Professionals Directory publication service is governed by the framework set out in the RPPS decree of 6 February 2009 (in French), last amended on 18 April 2017. 


Uses of the healthcare professionals directory

In publishing this data, the Healthcare Professionals Directory publication service enables you to check the identity of healthcare professionals, their qualifications and specialisms, and the services they offer.

The web service interfaces automate the gathering of data to consolidate the directory of your establishment.

Healthcare facilities

National and regional project leaders

Industrial companies and software providers

Access to reliable data certified by the competent authorities.

Obtain the national ID number of the healthcare professionals they employ.

Specify business rules on the basis of ID data (qualifications, etc.).

Synchronise data with a local directory.

Verify via their professional body a healthcare professional’s identity (national ID number, surname, first name), qualifications and current position.

View the present responsibilities of a professional (workplace address) using the ID details on their CPS.

Obtain the national ID number to manage and monitor access to the IT system.

Obtain professional contact details (address, email, telephone number)

Benefit from an interoperable format for ID description.

Facilitate the creation of application accounts, the pre-completion of the form and its approval.

For further information about the Healthcare Professionals Directory and the purposes of this national reference resource, please visit the Agence du Numérique en Santé’s online training site: (in French).